Citizen of the Year Awards 2023
The recipient of the Shire of Carnamah Australia Day 2024 Citizen of the Year Award is Brendon Haeusler.
Over a period of many years Brendon has demonstrated a commitment to the community of the Shire of Carnamah.
Brendon is a active member of the Carnamah Bush Fire Brigade, holding the role of Deputy Chief Fire Control Officer for the eastern section of the Shire – a role he has had over many years. This responsibility involves attendance at Committee meetings and required training sessions.
Brendon is the co-ordinator of the Big Tractor Project, he is the chairperson leading a team of passionate and like minded people who when Gnowangerup were unable see the project to completion, advocated to have Carnamah as the Big Tractor location. Brendon has organised fundraising activities, submitted grant applications, worked with Tracmac to bring the completed project the Chamberlain 40K to Carnamah.
In the Years that Brendon has lived in Carnamah, he has been a active participant with sporting clubs playing football, tennis and basketball. Apart from being a player, he has accepted committee roles as President and has coached players. Brendon also contributed his time to organising cropping projects to assist the Football Club.
Brendon was a Parents & Citizens Committee Member and served on the Carnamah District High School Board, during his tenue involvement with the school he assisted with pre-organisation of faction and interschool Carnivals. At all school carnivals Brendon was the starter for all race activities.
Brendon is a worthy recipient of the Shire of Carnamah 2024 Citizen of the Year – Congratulations Brendon!
Criteria and guidelines for nominating a ‘Citizen of the Year’
Some things to consider when you wish to nominate a person (or a group) for Citizen of the Year awards:
- Regard should be given to the nominee’s achievements in the year immediately prior to receiving the award, as well as their past achievements and ongoing contribution to the community
- Nominees should have made a significant contribution to the local community over and above what is normally expected from their paid employment/business
- Have they demonstrated leadership on a community issue which has resulted in the enhancement of community life
- Have they demonstrated a significant initiative which has brought about positive change and added value to community life?
- Do they possess inspiring qualities as a role model for the community?
- Are you nominating because they have contributed to community from a service platform, ie: emergency services, youth and/or aged services, charitable purposes, etc?
- Has the nominee held committee position/s with community service organisations, recreation and sporting based clubs, arts and drama societies, etc?
- Groups of people (or couples) will not normally be eligible except when meeting the criteria for a community group
You nomination will be assessed against the following criteria:
- Extent to which nominee has contributed to community service i.e. youth, aged, emergency services, charitable purposes (30 points)
- Extent to which nominee has held office for community service organisations (10 points)
- Extent to which nominee has contributed to recreational based organisations i.e. sporting clubs, drama, arts (25 points)
- Extent to which nominee has held office for a recreational based organisation (5 points)
- Extent to which nominee’s contributions cover a range of activities i.e. sport, art, aged care, youth, emergency service (15 points)
- Extent to which the nominee’s contribution has been over the previous 12 months (15 points)