Shire of Carnamah has received an application to use and/or develop land for the following purpose and public comment is invited.
Land Details:
Lot 100 on Deposited Plan 419525, Parker Street, Carnamah
Permanent approval of a 1.8 metre high, 230 metre long and 35-metre-wide steel framed and clad grain storage bulkhead (comprising a total storage capacity of 30,130 tonnes) that was temporarily approved by Council on 16 November 2022 and constructed centrally on an existing hardstand area immediately adjacent to existing approved CBH grain storage bulkheads and associated infrastructure.
Details of the proposal are available for inspection at the Shire Administration Centre at 33-37 Macpherson Street, Carnamah and
Comments on the application may be submitted to the Shire in writing on or before Friday 25 August 2023.
Application details: /library/file/Other/News%20Items/CBH%20Application.pdf
Robert Paull
9 August 2023