Macpherson Homestead

DEG: -29.68326 115.9023
DMS: 29º 40′ 59.74″ S 115º 54′ 8.27″ E
UTM: 50 J 6715807mN 393791mE
Altitude: 299.1m
  • Free of charge, donations appreciated
  • Easily accessible

The 150 year old Macpherson Homestead and its ruinous outbuildings are located one kilometre east of Carnamah on the Bunjil-Carnamah Road. Originally home to the Macpherson family, it is now owned by the community and has been fully restored. | Map

The  Homestead was one of the first buildings in the district in the late 1860s. The homestead’s grounds are lined with old vehicles and machinery.

The homestead and its outbuildings can be visited at any time. If you’d like to look inside the main building, please call George on 08 9951 1690 or 0439 966 040.

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