Disability Access and Inclusion Plan
The Disability Services Act Regulations set out the minimum consultation requirements for public authorities in relation to DAIPS. Other legislation, strategies and frameworks that were considered as part of the DAIP include:
- WA Equal Opportunity Act 1984
- Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1993
- United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- Substantive Equality Policy Framework
- Annual DAIP Progress Report to Department of Communities
- WA Language Services Policy.
The entire organisation is responsible for progressing access and inclusion. Agents and contractors of the Shire are also expected to support and, where appropriate, implement our strategies. The following methods were used to help inform the DAIP:
- Consultation with the community via advertisements in the local community newsletter “Carnamah Matt and Eneabba News” and on the Shire’s website.
- Examination of other council documents and strategies.
- Consultation with key staff.
At this time, it has been concluded that there are no major access and inclusion issues in the local community.