Public Interest Disclosure
If you believe that something is wrong with the way a government official, public authority or government contractor is acting or going to act, then it is in the public’s interest that you talk to someone who can do something about the matter.
The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003 (PID Act) enables people to make disclosures about wrongdoing within the State public sector, local government entities and public universities without fear of reprisal. The Act aims to ensure openness and accountability in government by encouraging people to make disclosures by maintaining confidentiality and providing immunity from detrimental action.
The PID Act deals with disclosures by anyone (not just government workers); however, the disclosure must relate to a matter of public interest and demonstrate wrongdoing by a public body.
A Public Interest Disclosure is more than a general complaint about dissatisfaction with a decision, service of product, and it is more than a personal grievance that can be resolved by agreement between the parties involved. In order to be covered by the PID Act, the disclosure must relate to a matter of public interest.
The PID Officer is responsible for receiving disclosures of public interest information relating to matters falling within the sphere of responsibility of the Shire of Carnamah.
Contact details for the Shire’s PID Officer are as follows:
Rob Paull
Chief Executive Officer
T: (08) 9951 7000
or by mail:
Private and Confidential
Rob Paull
Public Interest Disclosure Officer
PO Box 80
Public Interest Disclosure Internal Procedures (Shire of Carnamah)
PID Lodgement Form FILLABLE (Shire of Carnamah)
PID Lodgement Form PRINTABLE (Shire of Carnamah)
PID Consent to Disclose Identity Form PRINTABLE (Shire of Carnamah)
PID Consent to Disclose Identity Form FILLABLE (Shire of Carnamah)
Don’t be afraid to speak up – a Guide for Disclosers (Public Sector Commission)
Code of Conduct and Integrity for PID Officers (Public Sector Commission)