In accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, Council determines the organisational structure and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is responsible for management of the structure, including functional responsibilities and allocation and management resources within that structure.
Shire of Carnamah is led by Robert (Rob) Paull who operates under guidance of the elected Council. The CEO is also responsible for the overall strategic direction and day to day operational activities, and along with the Executive team and staff, acts on Council’s decisions through development and deployment of Council policies and resolutions.
The Executive team includes the Deputy CEO, Manager of Works and Services, Senior Finance Officer and Executive Co-ordinator, who together with the CEO lead and manage business units across the organisation.
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To access the 2023 organisational structure, please click here.
Chief Executive Officer
Robert (Rob) Paull
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Alan Thornton
Manager of Works and Services
Joe Hodges
Executive Co-ordinator (Administration)
Kelli Johnston
Records Administration Officer/WHS Officer
Adam Fawkes
Finance Officer
Tanya Lee
Customer Service Officer - Carnamah
Bea-Mari Van Der Merwe
Customer Service Officer - Eneabba
Tia Machin
Carnamah Swimming Pool Manager
Jamie O’Donohue
Eneabba Swimming Pool Manager
Maddilyn McGrinder