Notice of Amendment of Fees and Charges 2024/25
In accordance with s.6.19 of the Local Government Act 1995, the Shire of Carnamah hereby gives notice that at its Ordinary Meeting held on 18 December 2024, Council resolved to amend its adopted 2024/25 Schedule of Fees and Charges applicable to the Carnamah Caravan Park as follows:
Nightly Rate
- One bedroom – One or two persons $160.00
- One bedroom – One, two or three persons $175.00
- Two bedrooms – Two, three or four persons $190.00
- Two bedrooms – Five people $205.00
Weekly Rate
- One bedroom – From $ 960.00
- Two bedroom – From $1140.00
- Additional person/s per week per person $ 90.00
Overflow camping – old basketball courts adjacent to caravan park per person per night voluntary $4.55 plus GST
Eneabba campground – per person per night voluntary $4.55 plus GST
These fees will take effect from 18 December 2024.
A copy of all current fees and charges is also available on the website or at the Shire office.
Rob Paull
Chief Executive Officer