Shire of Carnamah Local Government Public Places and Local Government Property Local Law 2013
In accordance with Section “2.2 Procedure for making a determination’ of the Shire of Carnamah Local Government Public Places and Local Government Property Local Law 2013, the local government gives notice of its intention to make a determination in regard to the taking, riding or driving of vehicles on the Licensed Area of the Licence granted to the Shire by Arc Infrastructure Pty Ltd (Arc) to use Corridor Land and Railway Infrastructure, dated 6 July 2018 and determines as follows:
a) No vehicle is to be taken, ridden or driven, or parked or stopped on Lot 3002 (Reserve 48159) Yarra Street, Carnamah within 10 metres of the Big Tractor Artwork without the prior written authorisation of the Chief Executive Officer.
b) A vehicle taken, ridden or driven, or parked or stopped on Lot 3002 (Reserve 48159) Yarra Street, Carnamah within the area stipulated in clause a) above, is not to be taken, ridden or driven or parked or stopped on the reserve otherwise than in strict compliance with the terms of any written authorisation issued pursuant to clause a) hereof.
c) The taking, riding, driving, stopping or parking of any vehicle on Lot 3002 (Reserve 48159) Yarra Street, Carnamah within 10 metres of the Big Tractor Artwork without written authority given in accordance with clause a), is an offence.
Penalty: $100 for a first offence and $500 for a second or subsequent offence.
A copy of the proposed determination may be inspected and obtained from the offices of the Shire of Carnamah at 33-37 Macpherson Street, Carnamah.
Submissions in writing about the proposed determination may be lodged with the Shire of Carnamah within 21 days after the date of publication as follows:
By Post:
Shire of Carnamah PO Box 80 Carnamah WA 6517 |
In Person:
33-37 Macpherson Street, Carnamah |
By e-mail: |
If you require any further information in relation to this matter, queries can be directed to the Shire on 9951 7000 or
Robert Paull
Chief Executive Officer