Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2025


The recipient of the Shire of Carnamah Australia Day 2025 Community Citizen of the year Award is Sandie Wallace.

Over a period of many years Sandie has demonstrated a commitment to the community of the Shire of Carnamah and actively promoted a variety of community projects including engagement with the Carnamah Golf Club and the North Midlands Agricultural Society.

Closure of the Westpac Bank

Sandie advocated for the last remaining bank in Carnamah to remain open – her advocacy extended to radio interviews, participating into the Senate inquiry with both a verbal and written submission

The Heritage Park

Sandie promoted this community project by liaising with the Shire of Carnamah, project co-ordinator’s and key stakeholders volunteering many hours in advocating for the Heritage Park over a period of four years.

Sandie personally communicated with past residents of the Carnamah Community inviting them to submit a plaque recording their family history and connection with Carnamah.

The Heritage Park has enabled a record of the footprint of the communities’ families to be recorded – sharing the history of Carnamah with the Carnamah Community and visitors to Carnamah.

The Big Tractor Project

Sandie actively promoted the big tractor project again with radio interviews with media. Sandie initiated, designed and has sold through her family business a variety of clothing promoting Carnamah Western Australia Home of the World’s Biggest Tractor.

Development of a Tourist Brochure

Sandie identified a need and an opportunity to further promote Carnamah with the creation of a tourist booklet with a QR code that enabled tourists to enjoy the historical and cultural aspect of the town. The QR code was an innovative way of sharing information, enabling people to utilize the benefits of technology.

Sandies knowledge, experience and clarity of ideas has made her an excellent advocate for Carnamah.

Sandies ongoing contribution to culture and history of Carnamah, especially through the Heritage Park demonstrates that Sandie has actively worked towards improving the local community.

Sandie has value-added by volunteering in many aspects of the Carnamah Community, demonstrated that she is an advocate for rural life and is the worthy recipient of the Shire of Carnamah 2025 Community Citizen of the Year – Congratulations Sandie.